How do I order flowers?
Give us a call (be sure to leave a voicemail with your name and phone number
as we are not in the shop everyday). We would love to help you!
Does STEM Floral Co. take specialty orders?
Absolutely! At STEM there is always an array of different types of flowers to choose from. Because of COVID -19 flowers are limited but we promise we will still offer beautiful, unique types of flowers. If you are looking for a specific flower give us a call and a designer can let you know if it's in season or available.
Does STEM Floral Co. deliver ?
We sure do! We deliver to most of central San Diego. The zip codes we deliver to are 92037, 92064, 92092, 92093, 92101, 92103, 92104, 92108, 92109, 92110, 92111, 92115, 92116, 92117, 92120, 92121, 92122, 92123, 92124, 92126, 92127, 92128, 92129, 92130, 92131. The delivery charge is based on the distance from our shop, we would be happy to give you that price when you order.